L 415
In the building, a shop was estabilished with underwear and clothes. The things for safe came mailny from luggage confiscated or stolen after arrival of transports. Further shops with various kind of third-rate good were located mainly in treets L4 and L3.
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The list of objects
- 1 - Ghetto museum
- 2 - Terezín town hall
- 3 - Z 414
- 4 - L 410
- 5 - Marktplatz
- 6 - L 415
- 7 - Q 418
- 8 - Seat of the SS kommandatur
- 9 - Engineer barracks
- 10 - Seat of the ghetto guard
- 11 - L 318
- 12 - Block F III
- 13 - Seat of czech gendarmes
- 14 - Block H II
- 15 - L 324
- 16 - The Podmokly barracks
- 17 - The Ústí barracks
- 18 - The Dresden barracks19 - G VI
- 20 - Stadtpark
- 21 - The Vrchlabí barracks
- 22 - The Kavalier barracks
- 23 - Former brawery
- 24 - Badhauusgasse 21
- 25 - The Magneburg barracks
- 26 - The Hannover barracks
- 27 - Bakery
- 28 - Bahnhofstrasse
- 29 - The Hanburg barracks
- 30 - Jagerkaserne
- 31 - Southern hill
- 32 - The Sudeten barracks
- 33 - Westgasse - Sokolovna
- 34 - Central Mortuary
- 35 - The ramparts
- 36 - The cemetery with the crematorium
- 37 - Bohušovice nad Ohří
- 38 - The Bohušovice hollow
- 39 - The bulwark gardens