L 414
Until August 1942, the SS-Kommandatur was housed here. Later, on the ground floor a Post Office and further institutions were estabilished. The remaining space served as housing for the young, especially from the transports from Germany and other countries. In the Home for Czech girls, also housed here, the journal ''Bonaco'' was published.
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The list of objects
- 1 - Ghetto museum
- 2 - Terezín town hall
- 3 - Z 414
- 4 - L 410
- 5 - Marktplatz
- 6 - L 415
- 7 - Q 418
- 8 - Seat of the SS kommandatur
- 9 - Engineer barracks
- 10 - Seat of the ghetto guard
- 11 - L 318
- 12 - Block F III
- 13 - Seat of czech gendarmes
- 14 - Block H II
- 15 - L 324
- 16 - The Podmokly barracks
- 17 - The Ústí barracks
- 18 - The Dresden barracks19 - G VI
- 20 - Stadtpark
- 21 - The Vrchlabí barracks
- 22 - The Kavalier barracks
- 23 - Former brawery
- 24 - Badhauusgasse 21
- 25 - The Magneburg barracks
- 26 - The Hannover barracks
- 27 - Bakery
- 28 - Bahnhofstrasse
- 29 - The Hanburg barracks
- 30 - Jagerkaserne
- 31 - Southern hill
- 32 - The Sudeten barracks
- 33 - Westgasse - Sokolovna
- 34 - Central Mortuary
- 35 - The ramparts
- 36 - The cemetery with the crematorium
- 37 - Bohušovice nad Ohří
- 38 - The Bohušovice hollow
- 39 - The bulwark gardens